Ready To Dive Into Some
Soul-Nourishing Experiences?

Picture this:

Heartwarming cacao ceremonies, empowering intuition workshops, potent moon gatherings & manifesting lions gate ceremonies that intimately hold you for what you need. These events are like a cozy hug for your spirit, blending ancient wisdom with modern magic. Unplug & connect with a bunch of awesome souls. It's not just about self-discovery; it's about growing together, sharing wisdom, and embracing the kind of transformation that leaves your heart smiling.

Can’t wait to vibe with you!

Curious minds want to know!
Take a peek at these feel-good stories…

  • "You enter a space filled with peace. Soft music & the sweet smell of sage in the air immediately invites you in and slows your heartbeat. You are greeted by Jessica’s relaxed presence with a hand full of “pretties” (crystals) to choose from for the intentions you are about to set. There is a perfect melody of learning, sharing, meditation, movement, journaling, sound bowls & Reiki. I always leave inspired, empowered & connected to the community that Jessica has cultivated in her years as a healer. ”

    Andria L.

  • "Each of Jessica’s ceremonies allow me to go deeper into my soul. Jessica has a way of guiding you into the depths of your shadows and lovingly supports you in the process. You feel held and safe to experience what comes up. It’s a magical journey and I’m always impressed with how much can happen within these sacred spaces she cultivates. It’s like time doesn’t exist here, ha. Thank you Jessica for this warm soul embrace. ”

    Michelle R.

  • "Her cacao ceremonies are heart opening, her moon ceremonies are eye opening and her lions gate ceremonies are expanding. Jessica holds a safe space for me to expand within these spaces. These experiences have anchored more trust in myself and the unknown. Don’t miss out on these magical connections she shares with us.”

    Stacey M.

Filtering by: “cacao”
A Self Love + Gratitude Ceremony

A Self Love + Gratitude Ceremony

Self Love + Gratitude Ceremony

A community gathering as we enter the “Temple of the Heart” for spiritual nourishment and self reflection. This journey through gratitude will activate your heart and healing and bring you back hOMe where self love, self acceptance and self compassion lives. The Ceremonial Cacao used is from the ancient cacao groves of the Guatemalan rainforests. It’s a high vibrational sacred plant medicine and a gift from the gods & goddess. Let’s honor the intelligence of our hearts as we unify the body, mind, heart and spirit. We will journey through the energetic heart center using cacao, meditation, breathwork, sound & reiki to cultivate gratitude, compassion, self love & self acceptance and bring you the nourishment you need.

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A Self Love Journey

A community gathering as we enter the “Temple of the Heart” for spiritual nourishment and self reflection. This journey through gratitude will activate your heart and healing and bring you back hOMe where self love, self acceptance and self compassion lives.

The Ceremonial Cacao used is from the ancient cacao groves of the Guatemalan rainforests. It’s a high vibrational sacred plant medicine and a gift from the gods & goddess.

Let’s honor the intelligence of our hearts as we unify the body, mind, heart and spirit.

We will journey through the energetic heart center using cacao, meditation, breathwork, sound & reiki to cultivate gratitude, compassion, self love & self acceptance and bring you the nourishment you need.

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